17 lipca 2018

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17 lipca 2018

Albumy to nie tylko wspaniała uczta dla ducha, ale także jeden ze sposobów na wprowadzenie do domu koloru. 

Ich widok po prostu sprawia mi przyjemność, lubię do nich zaglądać, żeby oderwać się od codzienności- to jeden z moich ulubionych domowych rytuałów. Oprócz tego, dzięki pięknym i oryginalnym okładkom są doskonałym elementem dekoracyjnym, a co za tym idzie, świetnie uzupełnią aranżację  na stoliku kawowym lub na regale w salonie. W zależności od naszych upodobań możemy eksponować po prostu ulubione albumy, albo kierować się kolorem i charakterem okładki.

W sieci jest całe mnóstwo albumów, a ja dziś chcę Wam pokazać kilka tytułów, które są nie tylko ciekawe, ale także dopełnią każde wnętrze, dzięki okładkom w jasnych, neutralnych barwach. Muszę przyznać, że ostatnio takie dodatki bardzo mi się podobają i mam chęć na przynajmniej dwie spośród poniższych książek. Jako że są to publikacje anglojęzyczne, również opis jest w tym języku- dołączyłam go przy każdej propozycji, gdybyście chcieli dowiedzieć się więcej na ich temat. Jeśli w najbliższym czasie uda mi się kupić któryś z tych albumów, możecie liczyć na relację na Insta Stories


[pinit]albumy wnetrzarskie





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“The quintessential cooking, style and decoration book from Soho House, the world’s leading members club. In the 17 years since the first Soho House opened its doors, we’ve learnt a bit about what works: how to make people feel at home, how to cook food they love, how to make a room stylish but welcoming, how to throw a party, get the lighting right, mix a cocktail, design a bedroom, build an art collection. We’ve even learnt how to grow our own down at Babington. Eat Drink Nap, a 300-page highly illustrated book, with a foreword from founder Nick Jones, and newly commissioned photography from leading food and interiors photographers Mark Seelen and Jean Cazals, will share with readers the secrets of the Soho House way of doing things. Contemporary, global yet with something quintessentially English and homely at its heart, this is Soho House style explained by its experts: the grit and the glamour, the style and the cosiness. Packed with recipes and design tips, Eat Drink Nap shows how to transport a slice of Soho House living home. Whether you want to recreate your favourite house regular macaroni cheese or choose the right sofa for your sitting room, the clubs’ experts will share their blueprint for stylish, contemporary living the Soho House way.”




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“Diminutive rooms, grand possibilities. Small Homes, Grand Living shows how to make use of a limited space and turn a small apartment into a design marvel. Small Homes, Grand Living’s assortment of projects and homes pays homage to the iconic innovation within modest living areas and shows the creative usage of space in continually expanding urban areas. As more people across the globe move into cities, living space becomes a precious commodity. Designers, architects, and innovative inhabitants seek new ways of creating a home that is just as comfortable as it is functional and aesthetically pleasing. Where does one stow clothing, bicycles, suitcases, or bed linens? Where is the perfect place for the desk, bed, or couch? How does one use less square meters more effectively? Compact flats perched atop the roofs on high-rise buildings. A one-bedroom apartment that houses a family of four. Stairs that cleverly transform into wardrobes. A collection of cozy cocoons shows the personality and innovation of those living inside: a home is both shelter and a welcoming reflection of the residents. Small Homes, Grand Living offers real interior design solutions directly from the occupants’ imaginations.”




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“An appealing approach to creating elegant, worldly interiors that are rooted in the comforts of home. Interior designer Timothy Whealon is beloved for his accessible style, his seamless blend of classic and modern influences, and his skillful use of artwork and antiques, thanks to an extensive knowledge of fine and decorative arts. Whealon’s design philosophy finds its roots in classicism; however, he approaches each project with a fresh, twenty-first-century eye that makes it both modern and timeless. He doesn’t believe in interiors that look -decorated, – as if everything has been done at once. Rather, he layers items from different periods and cultures, artfully mixing the pristine and the patinated. 
This book is the first to showcase Whealon’s interiors, from an airy New York penthouse to a gracious Mediterranean-style villa to a casual beach cottage. Whether urban or rural, grand or intimate, each project exhibits classicism alongside comfort, careful attention to detail, and undeniable appeal. Many of the projects included have been newly photographed for this book, and each is a testament to Whealon’s exquisite taste and understanding of how people live today.”




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“As begun in the best-selling Happy Times, her first book with Assouline, Lee Radziwill’s colorful journey continues in the much-anticipated Lee. In this quest or privacy and freedom within a highly publicized life, Radziwill shares her unique perspective as a witness to history, recalling the numerous cultural figures she counted among her friends, from Rudolf Nureyev to Truman Capote, and quiet moments with her children in London and New York. Filled with anecdotes and personal photographs, Lee is an intimate reflection on Radziwill’s world.”




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“The next generation of Parisian interior designers curated by the editors of French Architectural Digest.

From Vincent Darre and Joseph Dirand to India Mahdavi, a new wave of design talent has emerged in Paris. Combining nonchalant elegance with the French capital’s perennial chic flair, their interiors reflect a refreshingly innovative take on home decor while inspiring myriad designers across the globe. Renowned for publishing the very best of interior design, the editors of French Architectural Digest have thoughtfully curated a collection of interiors by twelve of the new guard’s top names.

The New Chic showcases diverse residential interiors projects spanning the past five years. Inviting, charming, and irresistibly cool, this beautifully illustrated book celebrates the voices of modern Parisian interiors and is a must for every library of design.”




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“Enter a world of interiors by Atelier AM, where classical proportions, varied finishes, and exquisite furnishings are masterfully combined, resulting in bold yet tranquil environments. A deft hand at creating interiors that mix materials, both rough-hewn and luxurious, antique and modern, marks the work of Alexandra and Michael Misczynski, the husband-and-wife team behind the Los Angeles–based firm Atelier AM. Only ten years after establishing their business, the couple has garnered a keen reputation for creating environments that are sensory experiences—visually sublime interiors enhanced with subtle, textural palettes. Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century furniture commingle with modernist pieces and ancient objects. Background colors and materials are muted and refined. Interiors Atelier AM showcases a selection of residences—each exhibiting the firm’s skill at mixing furniture and objects with backgrounds such as antique flooring and Venetian plaster, with bold and modern results. Their high-profile clients include Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise and the Michael Eisners. The photography of François Halard beautifully documents each project, educating and inspiring a new generation of interior designers and connoisseurs.”


Na mojej liście jest pozycja pierwsza i książka o Lee Radziwiłł. Choć wszystkie wyglądają zachęcająco i są pełne ciekawych inspiracji, to jednak cena takich albumów potrafi skutecznie przesunąć zakup w czasie 🙂 

Jestem ciekawa, jakie albumy macie u siebie w domach, może akurat coś z moich propozycji? Dajcie znać!



Zdjęcia i opisy: księgarnia www.enbook.pl


Jeśli jeszcze nie jesteś ze mną na Facebooku, to gorąco Cię zachęcam: KLIK.

Możesz dołączyć do mnie również na Instagramie!

Zapraszam Cię także na mój Pinterest!

Będzie mi bardzo miło ?

coffee table books

Albumy to nie tylko wspaniała uczta dla ducha, ale także jeden ze sposobów na wprowadzenie do domu koloru. 

Ich widok po prostu sprawia mi przyjemność, lubię do nich zaglądać, żeby oderwać się od codzienności- to jeden z moich ulubionych domowych rytuałów. Oprócz tego, dzięki pięknym i oryginalnym okładkom są doskonałym elementem dekoracyjnym, a co za tym idzie, świetnie uzupełnią aranżację  na stoliku kawowym lub na regale w salonie. W zależności od naszych upodobań możemy eksponować po prostu ulubione albumy, albo kierować się kolorem i charakterem okładki.

W sieci jest całe mnóstwo albumów, a ja dziś chcę Wam pokazać kilka tytułów, które są nie tylko ciekawe, ale także dopełnią każde wnętrze, dzięki okładkom w jasnych, neutralnych barwach. Muszę przyznać, że ostatnio takie dodatki bardzo mi się podobają i mam chęć na przynajmniej dwie spośród poniższych książek. Jako że są to publikacje anglojęzyczne, również opis jest w tym języku- dołączyłam go przy każdej propozycji, gdybyście chcieli dowiedzieć się więcej na ich temat. Jeśli w najbliższym czasie uda mi się kupić któryś z tych albumów, możecie liczyć na relację na Insta Stories


[pinit]albumy wnetrzarskie





Do kupienia tutaj


“The quintessential cooking, style and decoration book from Soho House, the world’s leading members club. In the 17 years since the first Soho House opened its doors, we’ve learnt a bit about what works: how to make people feel at home, how to cook food they love, how to make a room stylish but welcoming, how to throw a party, get the lighting right, mix a cocktail, design a bedroom, build an art collection. We’ve even learnt how to grow our own down at Babington. Eat Drink Nap, a 300-page highly illustrated book, with a foreword from founder Nick Jones, and newly commissioned photography from leading food and interiors photographers Mark Seelen and Jean Cazals, will share with readers the secrets of the Soho House way of doing things. Contemporary, global yet with something quintessentially English and homely at its heart, this is Soho House style explained by its experts: the grit and the glamour, the style and the cosiness. Packed with recipes and design tips, Eat Drink Nap shows how to transport a slice of Soho House living home. Whether you want to recreate your favourite house regular macaroni cheese or choose the right sofa for your sitting room, the clubs’ experts will share their blueprint for stylish, contemporary living the Soho House way.”




Do kupienia tutaj


“Diminutive rooms, grand possibilities. Small Homes, Grand Living shows how to make use of a limited space and turn a small apartment into a design marvel. Small Homes, Grand Living’s assortment of projects and homes pays homage to the iconic innovation within modest living areas and shows the creative usage of space in continually expanding urban areas. As more people across the globe move into cities, living space becomes a precious commodity. Designers, architects, and innovative inhabitants seek new ways of creating a home that is just as comfortable as it is functional and aesthetically pleasing. Where does one stow clothing, bicycles, suitcases, or bed linens? Where is the perfect place for the desk, bed, or couch? How does one use less square meters more effectively? Compact flats perched atop the roofs on high-rise buildings. A one-bedroom apartment that houses a family of four. Stairs that cleverly transform into wardrobes. A collection of cozy cocoons shows the personality and innovation of those living inside: a home is both shelter and a welcoming reflection of the residents. Small Homes, Grand Living offers real interior design solutions directly from the occupants’ imaginations.”




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“An appealing approach to creating elegant, worldly interiors that are rooted in the comforts of home. Interior designer Timothy Whealon is beloved for his accessible style, his seamless blend of classic and modern influences, and his skillful use of artwork and antiques, thanks to an extensive knowledge of fine and decorative arts. Whealon’s design philosophy finds its roots in classicism; however, he approaches each project with a fresh, twenty-first-century eye that makes it both modern and timeless. He doesn’t believe in interiors that look -decorated, – as if everything has been done at once. Rather, he layers items from different periods and cultures, artfully mixing the pristine and the patinated. 
This book is the first to showcase Whealon’s interiors, from an airy New York penthouse to a gracious Mediterranean-style villa to a casual beach cottage. Whether urban or rural, grand or intimate, each project exhibits classicism alongside comfort, careful attention to detail, and undeniable appeal. Many of the projects included have been newly photographed for this book, and each is a testament to Whealon’s exquisite taste and understanding of how people live today.”




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“As begun in the best-selling Happy Times, her first book with Assouline, Lee Radziwill’s colorful journey continues in the much-anticipated Lee. In this quest or privacy and freedom within a highly publicized life, Radziwill shares her unique perspective as a witness to history, recalling the numerous cultural figures she counted among her friends, from Rudolf Nureyev to Truman Capote, and quiet moments with her children in London and New York. Filled with anecdotes and personal photographs, Lee is an intimate reflection on Radziwill’s world.”




Do kupienia tutaj


“The next generation of Parisian interior designers curated by the editors of French Architectural Digest.

From Vincent Darre and Joseph Dirand to India Mahdavi, a new wave of design talent has emerged in Paris. Combining nonchalant elegance with the French capital’s perennial chic flair, their interiors reflect a refreshingly innovative take on home decor while inspiring myriad designers across the globe. Renowned for publishing the very best of interior design, the editors of French Architectural Digest have thoughtfully curated a collection of interiors by twelve of the new guard’s top names.

The New Chic showcases diverse residential interiors projects spanning the past five years. Inviting, charming, and irresistibly cool, this beautifully illustrated book celebrates the voices of modern Parisian interiors and is a must for every library of design.”




Do kupienia tutaj


“Enter a world of interiors by Atelier AM, where classical proportions, varied finishes, and exquisite furnishings are masterfully combined, resulting in bold yet tranquil environments. A deft hand at creating interiors that mix materials, both rough-hewn and luxurious, antique and modern, marks the work of Alexandra and Michael Misczynski, the husband-and-wife team behind the Los Angeles–based firm Atelier AM. Only ten years after establishing their business, the couple has garnered a keen reputation for creating environments that are sensory experiences—visually sublime interiors enhanced with subtle, textural palettes. Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century furniture commingle with modernist pieces and ancient objects. Background colors and materials are muted and refined. Interiors Atelier AM showcases a selection of residences—each exhibiting the firm’s skill at mixing furniture and objects with backgrounds such as antique flooring and Venetian plaster, with bold and modern results. Their high-profile clients include Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise and the Michael Eisners. The photography of François Halard beautifully documents each project, educating and inspiring a new generation of interior designers and connoisseurs.”


Na mojej liście jest pozycja pierwsza i książka o Lee Radziwiłł. Choć wszystkie wyglądają zachęcająco i są pełne ciekawych inspiracji, to jednak cena takich albumów potrafi skutecznie przesunąć zakup w czasie 🙂 

Jestem ciekawa, jakie albumy macie u siebie w domach, może akurat coś z moich propozycji? Dajcie znać!



Zdjęcia i opisy: księgarnia www.enbook.pl


Jeśli jeszcze nie jesteś ze mną na Facebooku, to gorąco Cię zachęcam: KLIK.

Możesz dołączyć do mnie również na Instagramie!

Zapraszam Cię także na mój Pinterest!

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coffee table books

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